
Showing posts from October, 2024

French: school subjects

 Year 6 have written a paragraph about all the places in the school  as if they were conducting a tour. They also learnt the names of different subjects and had a go at creating a time table using their knowledge of the days of the week and time. 

R.E Day - Understanding the importance of rules and laws, and looking at whether Jesus was a law breaker

 In this week's RE day, we looked at whether Jesus was a lawbreaker, which is what he was accused of. We spoke of how rules and laws protect us and keep us safe, and what a world would look like without laws. We discussed whether Jesus could ever be considered a law breaker, and we learned that they was actually a group of people who strongly disliked him, and accused him of breaking the law on several occasions. We finally asked whether, if at all, there is ever a situation where it is okay to break the law.


 This week, the children completed their assessment question, How are natural disasters caused and what effect do they have? I was really proud of every year 6 child as they were able to recall the facts and share their knowledge.  During the second part of the lesson, the children were introduced to 6 grid references. They did a great job in their first lesson. 

Prime, Square and Cube Numbers - Nearly half term!

 Another great week in year 6 comes to an end, and this week we have tackled prime, square, cube and composite numbers. Our factors freyer model has been really helpful in making those clear links between a factor and a multiple and helping us understand prime numbers. 

Computing - Final Variables Game

 Today in Computing we made the final touches to our variables games. We debugged any issues and evaluated how to make our games better. We then had the chance to share our games with our friends!

Tropical Storms

Last week, one of the children was curious as to how a tsunami was different to a tropical storm so this week we looked at how tropical storms are formed, where they are found and which way the spin. After viewing a short clip, the children identified that a tropical storm can be called a hurricane, cyclone or a tornado. The only difference is where they are formed in the world. Tropical storms need heat, moisture and wind.  Tropical storms are formed between 5 degrees and 15 degrees north or south of the the Northern Hemisphere the storms rotate anti-clockwise and in the Southern Hemisphere they rotate clockwise. Storms need to have an average of at least 120km/h to be classed as a tropical storm.  Once the children had finished their discussions they then made a tornado in a bottle. The children loved this practical activity. 

Long term effects of tsunamis and map skills

 This week, the children consolidated their learning about tsunamis. They recapped how tsunamis formed and then they watched a different clip from the Boxing Day tsunami. In groups they identified the long term effects and then they shared these with the rest of the class. They identified, deaths as well as mental health for those left behind, housing issues, health problems such as diseases. Furthermore, coral was destroyed, coastlines shape changed and jobs destroyed.  After that, they looked at the lessons some countries learned from this natural disaster and the precautions they have put in place to help predict when a tsunami might take place.  Finally, they used a map and its scale to see how far some of the countries were from the epi-centre and how being further away will reduce the energy of the wave and its destruction.